WOW Baking Company Gluten Free Candied Cookie Dough Treats

Candied Cookie Dough Treats


Your favorite WOW Baking Company cookies

Candy Melts in various colors

Liquid coconut oil

Optional: candy mold and small, clean paint brush



Makes about 10-12 treats.

1) Use a food processor to mix 8-10oz of your favorite WOW Baking Company cookies and coconut oil.

2) Roll mixture into 1-inch balls or press mixture into candy mold shapes. This will keep them the right size if you’re putting them into a mold.

3) Put them in the freezer to make them easier to handle (about 30 min)

4) While cookie dough is freezing, melt candy melts in small bowls in the microwave (about 40 seconds) to a smooth consistency.

Rolled Cookie Mixture: When cookie balls are frozen, dip them into the melted candy and set on a flat surface. Decorate with gluten-free candies, sugars and sprinkles. Freeze for 10 minutes to allow candy to set.

Molded Cookie Mixture: When cookie mixture is frozen, remove them from the mold. Wipe off the cookie mold and paint melted candy into each cavity. Press frozen cookie shapes back into the mold and freeze for 10 min. to allow candy to set.

5) Serve treats at room temperature.

6) Enjoy!

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